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“How to Talk to Children about their Mentally Ill Schizophrenic Parent”

A Social Awareness Documentary



Tom and Sabrina Karges' daughter is an adult Schizophrenic with two teenage children.  When their daughter was diagnosed, it became Tom and Sabrina’s responsibility to explain to their (then) young grandchildren that their mother was mentally ill with Schizophrenia.


They tried to help their grandchildren understand the disease and its progression, but they had no idea how to explain Schizophrenia let alone, what the prognosis would be.  Although Tom and Sabrina did extensive research, they found only a few articles with adult children of a Schizophrenic parent.  They did not find any educational videos on how to talk to children about their Schizophrenic parent.  They discovered a recurring theme, the younger the child of a Schizophrenic parent, the more exasperated the caregiver at not being able to find answers or help when dealing with the child’s multitude of feelings.  


Tom and Sabrina hurt for their grandchildren, feeling inadequate and frustrated. Their grandchildren’s young lives would never be the same.  Tom and Sabrina desperately wanted to help their daughter and as grandparents — their grandchildren were asking questions and they did not have the answers.


Tom and Sabrina saw a need.  This is their motivation for producing the cutting edge, comprehensive documentary series on “HOW TO TALK TO CHILDREN ABOUT THEIR MENTALLY ILL, SCHIZOPHRENIC PARENT."  Tom and Sabrina have the drive and passion for producing this very important series.  Their extensive research coupled with their own experience as documentary producers has given them the expertise to create a documentary series that will provide information caregivers need to educate and support children of Schizophrenics.  


The programs will be designed for caregivers of two specific age groups: young children, preteens/teenagers. The primary goals of the series is to provide:

  • Information  - such as - background, statistics, , history, facts, treatments, medications etc. of schizophrenia

  • Ready to use strategies and coping tools - child psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals will act as consultants throughout the project, as well as, on screen talent. They will provide numerous, proven coping skills that can be immediately applied to real life. This will include acted out scenarios.

  • Caregivers will be taught - the in-depth knowledge needed to effectively transfer the skills the child will need to understand and cope with a schizophrenic parent.  As interactions with their schizophrenic parent improve ultimately the child will develop empathy and understanding for the disease.   

  • Information Booklet – a comprehensive guide for caregivers to reference in applying all the approaches presented in the series.


To view a video trailer for this proposed series, go to the next tab.  If you are considering donating to this proposed series, a detailed proposal, along with the ten minute video, "Our Daughter's Journey with Schizophrenia" can be obtained by contacting us at:


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